Welcome Parents! Visit our parent portal to learn more about our school!
If you are new to Bethke, please view the orientations PowerPoint: New Parent Orientation 2024.pptx
Safe Schools Tip Line
Anonymously report any issues that concern or threaten you.
Safe2Tell: Call 1-877-542-SAFE (7233)
Playground Supervision
Begins at 8:05am (Please do not drop off earlier than 8:05am as there is no supervision.)
8:05a.m. - 8:20a.m.
Lunch Schedule
Kind. 10:50-11:30
1st 11:15-11:55
2nd 11:40-12:20
3rd 12:05-12:45
4th 12:30-1:10
5th 12:55-1:35
Afternoon Playground & Crosswalk Supervision