
Welcome Parents!  Visit our parent portal to learn more about our school!

Safe Schools Tip Line

Anonymously report any issues that concern or threaten you.

Safe2Tell:  Call 1-877-542-SAFE (7233)

Attention Parents: Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Bobcat Reading Challenge 2024.pdf

(Images below are a taste of the summer reading challenge, but please click on the PDF for details)

Summer Reading


Summer Reading

Students can also participate in the Poudre River Public Library Summer Adventure:

Summer Adventure Poudre Library 2024.pdf

Sign up HERE!


Upcoming Activities: 

FRHS June 2024 Mini Clinic.pdf

Kona Ice Event.pdf

Studio 5 View & Order.pdf

Summer Clinic Join Us BW Flyer.jpg

TMHS 2024 Elementary Summer Camp Flyer.pdf



Click HERE for the 2024-2025 Grade Level Supply Lists

Bethke Elementary is partnering with School Tool Box

2024-2025 School Supply ordering is available March 1st - June 2nd

School Kit 2024.pdf

School Kit 2024-2025





7:30a.m. - 7:55a.m.

Lunch Schedule 

Kind.  10:30-10:55      

1st     10:55-11:20     

2nd    11:20-11:45   

3rd     11:45-12:10    

4th     12:10-12:35      

5th     12:35-1:00   

Commonly Used Applications